The L4K Committee

Betsy Cornell & Casey Cameron

Co-founders and Event Chairs

LOVE4kids was founded by two Cohasset residents – Betsy Cornell Aceto and Casey Cameron – who have a very personal connection to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), and fond memories of watching their mothers compete in the original beloved BCH tennis tournament. It didn't take long for them to agree to resurrect the event as a way to pay forward their gratitude to BCH.

Betsy’s son, Charlie spent nearly two years inpatient at the hospital’s intensive care unit to rehabilitate from his oncology treatments, which led to several life-threatening complications. Today Charlie frequents BCH for routine follow up appointments with his specialists including the Center for Advance Intestinal Rehabilitation. 

Casey's daughter Cora, had genetic markers during the newborn screening which required close monitoring by BCH's metabolic genetic division. Today she is thriving with no signs of the disorder to date.

Caitlin Pinard 

Director of Philanthropy 

Caitlin Pinard is a mom of three and a pediatric nurse practitioner, with a deep commitment to Boston Children's Hospital (BCH). The hospital has played a pivotal role in her family's life, especially after her 8-year-old underwent ACL reconstruction there following a skiing injury.

Caitlin's connection to BCH deepened after the loss of her nephew to Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC), a condition where a child between 12 months and 18 years dies without explanation, even after thorough investigations. There's no known way to predict or prevent SUDC, making it a devastating reality for affected families.

The Robert’s Program at BCH is one of only a handful of hospitals in the country dedicated to researching sudden unexplained deaths in infancy and childhood. Caitlin's mission is to help other families avoid the pain of such losses.

Two years ago after starting tennis Caitlin quickly fell in love with the game, Love 4 Kids is a powerful way to combine her new passion with her advocacy work. 

Erin Ryan

Director of Rackets

Erin Ryan is a mother of three daughters, an avid tennis player, and an active volunteer in the town of Cohasset.

Erin has been an enthusiastic participant and supporter of LOVE4Kids for the past few years. Prior to becoming a full time mom, Erin was an occupational therapist at a Boston hospital, spending much of her time there working on the pediatric floors and the pediatric ICUs. Through this past experience, Erin understands the importance of organizations like LOVE4Kids and the impact they are able to make, not only on the pediatric patients, but on the patients’ families as well.

In joining the LOVE4Kids committee, Erin is able to combine her passion for tennis and her firsthand knowledge of the continued need for awareness and funding in pediatric medicine.

Joe Lamberti

Director of Fundraising

Joe Lamberti brings his passion for supporting the local South Shore community and tennis to LOVE4Kids. 

Joe lives in Cohasset with his wife Liz, and their two kids, Leo and Isadora, who are all advid and accomplished tennis players. 

Joe and Liz have been an active participants and generous sponsors of LOVE4Kids from it's inception. Joe is enthusiastic about continuing to expand the event to increase funding and awareness for rare disease research at BCH. 

Joe explains "working for a Community Bank, Rockland Trust, and supporting children in need, while having fun playing tennis is a win-win." 

Looking to get involved with LOVE4Kids?


call/text 617-571-4668